ivallan’s 3rd birthday / celebration of Ilya

In December ivallan’s books will be celebrating our 3rd birthday and this year we want to celebrate the life of ivallan’s heart and vision, Ilya. On Sunday December 8th we will host a day of performances, readings & tributes with food and drinks in Ilya’s honour. This invitation goes out to friends and family, lovers, neighbours and anyone who has a special place in their heart for Ilya and for this little shop. Everyone is welcome. We will have food and drinks at the shop and ask those who can to contribute a dish of food to our buffet. Feel free to drop by last minute/anytime, but if you already know you are coming please RSVP through our bio (or message for link) if you so we can be sure to plan enough food and drinks and time for performances. We want to accommodate as many people as possible but we’re a small space (particularly in winter) so advance planning helps. Please help spread this invitation to everyone who knows and loves Ilya who might not use social media ❤️. Planned program: Sunday December 8th 12.00 -15.00 Kid-friendly time With fruit, alcohol-free Glühwein and cookies. Contributions to the buffet are welcome. The new version of our cat book mascot by @rorymidhani is presented 15.00 -17.00 In celebration of Ilya Readings, Speeches and Performances by friends and family. Music. Readings from the ivallan’s Ilya Zine. 17.00 - Potluck buffet Food and drinks and celebration continues. Contributions to the buffet are welcome. Looking forward to seeing you all there <3

Difficult Women Book Club Berlin – First Meeting!

Difficult Women Book Club is a book club for anyone who wants to discover books written by women and other FLINTA* authors. They are a global book club that started in Barcelona and now has chapters all over the world. 🌸 Once a month, they get together to dive into the world of literature, exploring both non-fiction and fiction! Anyone can join, everyone is welcome. Their first book will be I have never known men by Jacqueline Harpman. Please read or familiarise yourself with the book so that you're ready to discuss it when we meet. You can order it from Ivallan's books. Drinks and snacks will be available for a small donation. To join othe first meeting go to https://linktr.ee/dwbc_berlin You can also just write to @difficultwomenbookclub_berl.in for a link to join the WhatsApp Community.