Propeller Publishers and The GAF proudly present: BLENDER FLUID

Part 1 BLENDER FLUID by Margarita Meklina and Maja Elliott IV DRIP! of hilarious healing 18 Shticks / 26 letters / 7 musical notes / Music with Spoken Word as Meditation / Motivation / Self-Medication Margarita Meklina (US/Ireland) Prize-winner of a ruble, an apple and a bottle of vodka (the Andrei Bely prize given to dissidents) will read her new ШТУЧКИ-ДРЮЧКИ in English and Russian. The book 18 SHTICKS comes out from PROPELLER for the reading. Maja Elliott - (Ireland) Pianist and composer, who has performed with Anohni, Will Oldham and improvised the music to Current 93’s Hypnogogue, will healevate the Word to the Utmost Harmonious Heights. Part 2 The Chemical Function & Spiritual Bodies by Mads Parsum and Ole Brolin Mads Parsum (Denmark) Master of word, written and spoken, of recitation and singing, a-rising from the gutter directly to the heaven, with no stops on the way. Ole Brolin (Sweden) Master of sound, analogue and digital, his palette covering all ranges and frequencies - from droning and screeching up to ultrasound.

Difficult Women Book Club Berlin 

Difficult Women Book Club is an international book club for anyone who wants to discover books written by women and other FLINTA* authors. Once a month, the Berlin chapter get together at ivallan’s to dive into the world of literature, exploring both non-fiction and fiction! This month they are reading The Lion Women of Tehran” by Marjan Kamali. Please email to join.

Food and Thought Book Club

The third book of the Food and Thought book club is Han Kang’s The Vegetarian The bookclub rules are simple and as follows: Come with a general understanding of the book and a penchant for chatting. Something to nibble on is a bonus! If you’re looking to join their group of food & novel discussers, check out the RSVP link @eatonistic on instagram.